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End Domestic Violence

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  • End Domestic Violence

Empowering survivors to live healthy lives, free from violence

Domestic violence is a significant social issue that negatively affects women, children, families and communities. YWCA Central Alabama strives toward the day all people live a life free from violence. 

YWCA Domestic Violence Services works to break the cycle of violence by dispelling stigmas about domestic violence victims and survivors, addressing systemic barriers and fighting cultural and societal norms that perpetuate gender-based violence.

As the sole domestic violence service provider in Jefferson, Blount and St. Clair counties, YWCA Central Alabama’s Domestic Violence Services team empowers victims, survivors and the community through direct services and education. 

Domestic Violence Services

Domestic violence is a significant social issue that negatively affects women, children, families and communities. YWCA Central Alabama strives toward the day all people live a life free from violence. 

YWCA Domestic Violence Services works to break the cycle of violence by dispelling stigmas about domestic violence victims and survivors, addressing systemic barriers and fighting cultural and societal norms that perpetuate gender-based violence. 

As the sole domestic violence service provider in Jefferson, Blount and St. Clair counties, YWCA Central Alabama’s Domestic Violence Services team empowers victims, survivors and the community through direct services and education.

YWCA also offers domestic violence outreach and awareness in its three counties to educate local communities about the dynamics of intimate partner violence and how to access help.  

This work is a collaborative effort. YWCA DVS partners with local district attorney offices, courts, judges and law enforcement to provide a coordinated response to domestic violence in our communities. YWCA Central Alabama is also a member of the Alabama Coalition Against Domestic Violence, which connects a network of 16 sister domestic violence agencies throughout the state. 

“I knew I had to face my abuser in court. YWCA’s advocate was present with me during the hearing and even explained the process and my rights as a victim. I felt safe and supported. I am sad this happened to my children and me, but I am glad there are organizations like the YW who can help.”

— Survivor & YWCA DVS Client

YWCA shields our clients in their time of storm with an umbrella of safety and supportive services. Beneath it people experiencing or who have experienced domestic violence can find:

  • A 24-hour crisis line, (205) 322-4878 (HURT)
  • Shelter to aid them as they flee violence
  • Counseling and victim support group
  • Advocacy and legal services
  • Other direct services that promote safety, dignity and empowerment 

DVS clients come directly to us to access services or can be referred by partner agencies within the community. Services are free.

Community Housing

For over 160 years, YWCA is on a mission to eliminate racism and empower women. Since our inception, YWCAs across the country have been on the front lines advocating for the rights of women, girls, and marginalized people and addressing community needs. Today, we continue to drive an inclusive agenda to address the underlying gender equity and racial justice tensions that are so deeply embedded in our nation. We invite you to join us and take action on health, economic, safety, and racial justice priorities directly affecting women and communities of color.

Supportive Services

Supportive Services is YWCA Central Alabama’s holistic approach to serving individuals and families by connecting them to crucial programs and services offered throughout our organization. We prioritize clients’ basic needs first— ranging from food, shelter, clothing and child care to transportation, counseling, and career coaching.