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Shelter Services


Emergency shelters are a critical service for victims of domestic violence and families experiencing homelessness.

What We Do

YWCA Shelter Services focus on the needs of women and their children who face homelessness, regardless of the circumstances that led them to YWCA Central Alabama. 

Two emergency shelters are available – one for victims of domestic violence and the other for two-parent families, custodial dads or custodial moms with a male child age 10 and older.

Families at YWCA’s Interfaith Hospitality House are empowered to become self-sufficient and prepare themselves for securing and maintaining safe, permanent housing.  

The safety planning offered by YWCA’s Domestic Violence Services works in tandem with the YW’s confidential Family Violence Center to give victims and their children a safe place to go after escaping their abusers’ violence.   

The integral purpose of both shelters is to provide a safe accommodation while women and families are empowered to achieve goals that they’ve set for themselves. Shelter participants work with a case manager to develop goals for employment, economic self-sufficiency and the steps they need to take in order to get and retain safe, permanent housing.  

How We Serve

24-Hour Crisis Line: (205) 322-4878 (HURT)

  • 24-hours a day, 7 days a week 
  • Answered by trained crisis intervention specialists equipped to assist victims of domestic violence during a crisis 
  • Callers are assessed for shelter and safety planning for themselves and their children  
  • Referrals to YWCA Domestic Violence Services victim advocate to navigate services

Family Violence Center

  • Confidential, 24/7 emergency shelter for women and children
  • Critical service for victims of domestic violence since many survivors have minimal resources to escape their abuser 
  • Addresses primary, immediate need for safe shelter before moving to secondary needs such as re-housing
  • Provides individualized safety planning and case management assistance with such needs as food, transportation, medication, clothing, counseling, children’s services and financial literacy education
  • Offers information and referrals for legal assistance

Interfaith Hospitality House

  • Systemically addresses the crisis of homelessness faced by two-parent families with minor children, single mothers with at least one male child age 10 or older, and single fathers with custody of a minor child
  • Serves as an important bridge to entire families in need of immediate safety and shelter
  • Only shelter in Birmingham that does not separate families when older male siblings a represent
  • Families can work toward shared goals as a family unit