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Yes, donations are tax-deductible. YWCA Central Alabama, EIN# 63-0288882, is a 501(c)(3) organization as determined under a 1943 IRS ruling. As a nonprofit, YWCA Central Alabama is exempt from sales and use tax, as determined by legislative act on Oct. 1, 1959. To find and give to us as a charity through the State Combined Campaign, use #053063, and for the Combined Federal Campaign, use #61715.

In-kind donations will be acknowledged with a receipt when they are received, but if additional documentation is needed, please contact the Office of Development at 205.322.9922, ext. 315. 

Request a YWCA In-Kind Donations Receipt (please provide a monetary value for your donation, if possible) or a copy of YWCA’s Donor Relations Policy.

View our wish lists and list of COVID-19 necessities for YW domestic violence emergency shelters. Wish list items should be mailed to the attention of YWCA Central Alabama/In-Kind Donations, 309 23rd Street North, Birmingham, AL 35203.

YWCA Central Alabama primarily serves Blount, Jefferson and St. Clair counties. YWCA Central Alabama is the state’s only agency that is part of the national YWCA USA network. As such, the YW often receives invitations statewide to discuss issues regarding women’s empowerment, housing, anti-poverty, homelessness, child development, domestic violence, social and racial justice, and strengthening Alabama’s communities. Calls to our 24-hour crisis line, (205) 322-4878, and participation in our virtual programs come from all over the state.

Find our locations on this website’s Contact the YW page.

Generally, hours are 8 a.m.-5 p.m., though the switchboard at headquarters in downtown Birmingham, Alabama, is temporarily operating from 7 a.m.-4 p.m., Monday-Friday. 

Also on Monday-Friday, YWCA Central Alabama-Blount County Office operates 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., while YWCA Central Alabama-St. Clair County Office operates 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Mondays-Fridays. 

YWCA Family Resource Center is temporarily operating on a schedule of 8 a.m.-3 p.m., Monday-Friday.

YWCA Child Development Center’s hours of operation are 7:30 a.m. until 5:30 p.m., Monday-Friday.

YWCA Central Alabama and its Child Development Center observe these holidays: New Year’s Day, Martin L. King Jr. Day, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Independence Day, Labor Day, day of Thanksgiving, day after Thanksgiving and Christmas day. Some emergency and related services may operate during holidays and on weekends (contact the program directly for details). 

Vendors may download our W-9 or contact YWCA Central Alabama Finance at [email protected] with questions or to submit a W-9.

We currently do not reserve meeting space for public use.

Visit our YWCA CDC page for enrollment information. Our nationally accredited, high-quality Child Development Center includes nine classrooms, an indoor play area, a children’s kitchen, an infant/toddler playground, a preschool playground and access to a full-size gym. Our meals are prepared daily in the YWCA kitchen in accordance with USDA standards. Classrooms are arranged into interest areas of varying educational toys, materials and games. YWCA CDC uses a comprehensive, cohesive, research-based curriculum.

Parents and guardians of enrolled children will receive a Family Handbook that includes answers to most of your questions. Please request your copy or call YWCA CDC at (205) 322-9922, ext. 173.

YWCA Central Alabama is involved in two types of advocacy – advocacy on behalf of our clients (the people we serve) and advocacy for causes and policies that impact those clients. 

  • Client Advocacy – Across our programs and services, YWCA Central Alabama advocates on behalf of clients. We assist clients in the areas of economic empowerment, housing, childhood development, supportive services and domestic violence services.

    YWCA Central Alabama Domestic Violence Services advocates provide safety planning, case management, information and referrals, and legal advocacy. Advocates assist victims in navigating the many decisions and barriers faced as a result of domestic violence and provide information about navigating community resources, the court system and Protection from Abuse orders. All DV clients are assigned an advocate.
  • Cause Advocacy – YWCA Central Alabama advocates for causes and policies that advance our mission to eliminate racism and empower women by amplifying the voices of women and people of color. We move to eliminate gender and racial disparities and dismantle systemic bias and discrimination that oppress marginalized people.

YWCA Central Alabama’s 24-hour Crisis Line, 205-322-4878 (HURT), is answered 24/7 by a trained crisis intervention specialist. The Crisis Line offers safe shelter options for victims and survivors of domestic violence. We provide referrals for financial, counseling, and legal assistance, as well as how-to safety plan information for victims who might be contemplating leaving an abusive situation. We provide important information to empower callers to make the best decision for their lives. Learn more about YWCA Central Alabama Domestic Violence Services.  

YWCA Central Alabama Community Housing does not offer expedited housing. If you’re in an emergency situation, contact our 24-hour Crisis Line at 205-322-4878 (HURT)

Domestic violence case management services may be available. Learn more about YWCA Central Alabama Domestic Violence Services.

You can apply online on our website:

Each apartment community has an applicant portal.  You can also download a copy of the application and mail or hand deliver it to YWCA Central Alabama, Attn: Housing, 309 23rd Street North, Birmingham, AL 35203.  

Yes, we have apartments available for men, families, women and single women with children.

The deposit is equal to a full month’s rent.  

If you move or your contact information changes, please contact our office by email at [email protected] with updated contact information or by phone at 205-322-9922. You will be notified when a unit becomes available.

We do not rent rooms, but we do offer affordable housing options.

You can apply online via our application portal. 

You will be notified when a unit is available, and you’re next on the waiting list.  Please respond to any communication you receive from our housing office.  

We make every effort to contact applicants as soon as a unit is available. Applicants are contacted by mail and phone, so please make sure your contact information is up to date and notify housing of any change.

We strongly support military veterans and encourage their application for housing. We consider all applications but do not at this time give preference to prior military service. 

We do not provide a waiting list number or position since the number can fluctuate due to changing preferences, needs and the number of applicants. Learn more about YWCA Central Alabama Community Housing.

Your rent will be determined based on your income.  We calculate your rent using 30 percent of your family’s gross annual income.  Learn more about YWCA Central Alabama Community Housing:

YWCA Central Alabama Community Housing does not offer emergency housing, but applicants are moved in from a waiting list. If you’re looking for emergency shelter, please visit shelter services. 

No. Our downtown location is not a residential option for males age 13 and older. To explore housing options at other locations, visit housing

If you need emergency shelter, Interfaith Hospitality House serves families that include males older than 10. However, boys entering confidential shelter cannot be older than age 14. Learn more about YWCA Central Alabama Shelter Services.

No. Pets are not allowed on our properties. Refer questions regarding service animals for people with disabilities to YWCA Central Alabama Community Housing.

Community Housing residents in the downtown Birmingham building can come and go as they please. ALL visitors must be accompanied by the resident at all times while in the building and must leave the premises by 11 p.m. (each night). ALL overnight guests must receive prior approval. Male visitors are not allowed to stay overnight or live in the building.

For the confidential shelter’s curfew time and visitation rules, contact shelter services.  

The curfew for Interfaith Hospitality House (family shelter) is 11 p.m.

  • Transitional housing, as defined by HUD, provides individuals and families experiencing homelessness with the interim stability and support to successfully move to and maintain permanent housing. YWCA Central Alabama’s transitional housingprogram is funded through the Department of Justice and is for those who are fleeing domestic violence, etc.

    This temporary housing for single women and women with children has stays ranging from 6 to 18 months in an effort to help the family gain permanent, stable housing. An additional 6-month stay is available with follow-up case management support.
  • Permanent housing is community-based housing without a designated length of stay. Residents can renew their lease on a continual basis annually as long as they remain in good standing.

Yes, Interfaith Hospitality House is a shelter for families. It is in the Woodlawn neighborhood (an area also known as YWoodlawn). Learn more about YWCA Central Alabama Shelter Services.

The shelter is for families who have at least one male, age 10 or older. Learn more about YWCA Central Alabama Shelter Services.

Yes, Interfaith provides shelter for up to six families at a time. Each family has its own two-bedroom suite with a bathroom.

Interfaith serves as emergency housing for families for up to four months.

Yes. There is assistance available through Interfaith as part of YWCA’s permanent housing program. Assistance is provided to both Homeless Prevention and Rapid Rehousing clients. Referrals are received through our local continuum of care, OneRoof. To learn more, contact OneRoof.