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Domestic Violence Services

What We Do

YWCA Domestic Violence Services takes a holistic approach to empower victims and survivors who use our unique services to navigate their safety and lives – free of violence. In addition to these direct services, YWCA Central Alabama offers domestic violence prevention and outreach to Jefferson, Blount and St. Clair counties to educate our local communities. 


YWCA advocates provide safety planning, case management, information and referrals and legal advocacy. Advocates assist victims in navigating the many decisions and barriers faced as a result of domestic violence and provide information about navigating the court system and Protection from Abuse Orders, therefore all DV clients are assigned an advocate. YWCA DVS advocates are located at YWCA Central Alabama’s downtown headquarters, outreach offices in Blount and St. Clair counties, Jefferson County DHR, Jefferson County Family Court and One Place Family Justice Center

Blount County: 205.322.8303 
St. Clair County: 205.338.8808
Jefferson County: 205.322.9922

One Place Family Justice Center 

YWCA Central Alabama provides advocacy services at One Place Family Justice Center alongside other community victim agencies (Crisis Center, law enforcement, and Jefferson County DA’s Office) to holistically serve victims and survivors of domestic violence. YWCA Central Alabama DVS advocates at One Place are responsible for advocacy, intake and referral, coordination with partnership victim agencies and providing support during strangulation exams. 


SAIL, or the Special Assessment Intervention Liaison project, is a partnership program with the Alabama Coalition Against Domestic Violence (ACADV) and the Alabama Department of Human Resources (DHR). Supported by federal funds from the Temporary Aid to Needy Families (TANF), this project ensures that there is a domestic violence specialist on staff in each county DHR office. YWCA Central Alabama houses a SAIL specialist at the Jefferson County DHR building and SAIL specialists in Blount and St. Clair counties. 

YWCA Central Alabama’s Family Law Center provides comprehensive civil legal services to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking and dating violence. The Family Law Center provides victims and survivors of domestic violence civil legal remedies such as assistance with Protection Orders from Abuse, divorces, child custody and obtaining child support. All legal services offered by the Family Law Center are free of charge and offered in Jefferson, Blount and St. Clair counties.

Prevention & Outreach

YWCA Central Alabama’s Domestic Violence Services team facilitates educational community outreach programs that raise awareness about the dynamics of domestic violence, gender-based violence, cycle of violence, red flags, battering tactics, the services offered through YWCA Central Alabama and more. We offer informative DV 101 and Strangulation 2.0 seminars, an interactive In Her Shoes simulation and present necessary information about the Impact of DV on Children. Our educational presentations are designed for a variety of groups, including community organizations, workplaces, professionals and individuals across the state who are interested in YWCA’s mission. 

Resources & Information