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Empower Women

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  • Empower Women

Strengthening families. Empowering communities.  

Economic empowerment programs stretch across YWCA Central Alabama’s three focus areas: 

  1. community housing
  2. child development
  3. domestic violence services

The emphasis of this work is family and community empowerment.

What We Do

Economic Empowerment Programs

Economic empowerment programs stretch across YWCA Central Alabama’s three focus areas: community housingchild development and domestic violence services. The emphasis of this work is family and community empowerment.

YWCA Central Alabama’s Family and Community Empowerment team builds a sustainable bridge between the community and organizations to support workforce development, provide and share resources, offer creative programming, increase entrepreneurship and promote generational economic advancement.

Workforce Development

Workforce development services are extended to YWCA Central Alabama’s clients, residents and members of communities we serve. Participants in these programs and services also develop life skills and learn the art of reciprocal relationship building. YWCA’s team takes a holistic approach to this organization wide work and welcomes partnerships with like-missioned organizations and individuals to help move women and families from all walks of life forward, regardless of their starting point.

Our impactful programs and services include: 

  • YWork on the Go provides virtual and onsite soft skills refreshers for Woodlawn-based businesses and organizations in need of employability support for existing staff and/or clients
  • YWork Essentials Newsletter provides monthly information about jobs, trainings and resources from Woodlawn businesses and employers. The newsletter is distributed to the Woodlawn community, YWCA Community Housing (YWoodlawn) residents and YWCA Family Resource Center clients/program participants.

Community Housing

For over 160 years, YWCA is on a mission to eliminate racism and empower women. Since our inception, YWCAs across the country have been on the front lines advocating for the rights of women, girls, and marginalized people and addressing community needs. Today, we continue to drive an inclusive agenda to address the underlying gender equity and racial justice tensions that are so deeply embedded in our nation. We invite you to join us and take action on health, economic, safety, and racial justice priorities directly affecting women and communities of color.

Domestic Violence Services

Domestic violence is a significant social issue that negatively affects women, children, families and communities. YWCA Central Alabama strives toward the day all people live a life free from violence. 

YWCA Domestic Violence Services works to break the cycle of violence by dispelling stigmas about domestic violence victims and survivors, addressing systemic barriers and fighting cultural and societal norms that perpetuate gender-based violence. 

As the sole domestic violence service provider in Jefferson, Blount and St. Clair counties, YWCA Central Alabama’s Domestic Violence Services team empowers victims, survivors and the community through direct services and education.