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What Could Your Birmingham Become?

Fran Godchaux is an active YW Board member, having served as Vice President Planning. She currently serves as Director of Special Projects for REV Birmingham and is on the executive committee of Collat Jewish Family Services. Fran is a tireless advocate for public private partnerships to engage in economic development activity to create jobs and vibrancy in the City of Birmingham.

This fall REV Birmingham (REV) will embark upon a unique campaign to bring Birmingham a step closer toward rejuvenation. Hence the name, REVIVE: The Street Life Project – a month-long, collaborative initiative to activate empty storefronts, generate foot traffic and organize street-level improvements to restore interest in five targeted commercial districts in Birmingham. 
The REVIVE 2013 Schedule Includes:
September 30 – October 4: Downtown, 3rd Ave. North
October 7 – 11: East Lake
October 14 – 18: Ensley
October 21 – 25: Five Points South
October 28 – November 1: Woodlawn
The campaign culminates in the historic and burgeoning neighborhood of Woodlawn – which also serves as home to the award-winning YWCA Family Resource Center and affordable housing initiatives.
Chock full of pop-up retail shops, block parties, community engagement events, business training symposiums and more, REVIVE promises to be an experience that every Birmingham City citizen can see, hear, taste and feel. 
The Magic City holds a wealth of promise, and each urban village identity is unique. The 2013 REVIVE campaign will showcase the livable amenities that exist within each commercial district and shed light on what Birmingham communities can become. Ultimately, REV hopes the renewed interest will attract additional investors, thus improving the lives of merchants and business owners who reside there. For example, many of the citizens who inhabit the REVIVE 2013 target districts are without public transportation. By concentrating much needed features and public services in each community (like shops, eateries, entertainment, public improvements and more), REV will build out a community that people can walk about, inhabit and thrive in much more easily. 
With all the excitement underway, REV Birmingham would love to have your input. How can we REVIVE Birmingham? What do you want YOUR Birmingham to become? 
Join the conversation on Facebook and learn more about REVIVE: The Street Project by visiting To volunteer or find out how your business or organization can be a part of the REVOLUTION, contact REV.
REV Birmingham revitalizes places and energizes business to create vibrancy in the City of Birmingham. REV is an economic development organization that stimulates business growth and improves quality of life in Birmingham’s City Center and its Neighborhood Commercial Centers. REV is a private-public partnership that was formed in 2012 by the strategic merger of Operation New Birmingham and Main Street Birmingham. For more information visit
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What Could Your Birmingham Become?