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Permanent apartment units

  • 12 two-bedroom apartment units
  • Hardwood floors
  • Full-size washer and dryer provided
  • Tenant pays utilities (electric and water)
  • Off-street parking
  • 2 bedroom/1 bathroom units
  • One handicap accessible unit with full wheelchair accessibility
  • One hearing/vision impaired unit


Singles, singles with children and two-parent families. Household must meet an annual minimum income threshold of $14,000. The applicant’s income may not exceed applicable income limits designated for this property; these income limits change annually and are based on HUD income limits for the area and household. Note: The YWCA accepts Shelter Plus Care and Housing Choice Vouchers, though having such assistance is not required.

If you or someone you know is looking for low-cost permanent housing, visit our applicant portal, call 205.322.7867, or email the housing office.