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How We Do Our Work

Here are some ways YWCA supports social and racial justice:

  • #ConversationsinColor – Invite us to speak or present to your organization. Ask us to exhibit or be a partner at your event. Sign up to take one of our online or in-person courses (subjects include Dynamics of Domestic Violence and Face to Face with Race). Internally, we train staff and board members via our Mission-N-Mind courses. 
  • #YWeTalk – The YWe Talk Orange Chair Series provides a platform of exchange to discuss important topics and issues facing women and people of color. We inform the community while amplifying voices that are often unheard.
  • #StandAgainstRacism – Each April, YWCA launches this racial justice campaign to raise awareness about the negative impact of institutional and structural racism in our communities.
  • #YWCA21DayChallenge – The 21-Day Racial Equity & Social Justice Challenge asks you to do one action every weekday for 21 days to further your understanding of power, privilege, oppression and equity.
  • #YWeVote – Each year we host opportunities to support voting rights as a crucial part of our effort to root out injustice and transform institutions. Generally observed as part of YWCA USA’s Get Out the Vote initiative and during national Voter Registration Day and Voter Education Week
  • #WeekWithoutViolence – YWCA sets aside one week in October to raise awareness and engage action to end the broad spectrum of violence. October is also Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Learn more about YWCA Central Alabama’s critical domestic violence services. 
  • #WomensEqualityDay – Women’s Equality Day commemorates the 1920 adoption of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which granted women the right to vote.
  • #EqualPayDay – Started by the National Committee on Pay Equity in 1996, this symbolic date highlights the gender pay gap by denoting home much longer women must work before their earnings match men’s pay. All Women’s Equal Pay Day is March 24, the date for Black women is Aug. 3, Native women is Sept. 8, and Latina women is Oct. 21.
  • Social and Racial Justice Library – What’s the difference between equity and equality? Looking for a tool to use in your advocacy work? Want to know what books and resources we’re into? Check out our library.