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Generation Y… W

Last week, Forbes BrandVoice posted the online article “Millennials: Entitled or Enlightened?” in which the author referred to Generation Y as “entitled.” The article is recent, but this characterization of Generation Y is nothing new. A quick Google search on Millennials turns up several articles that characterize them as careless, entitled narcissists. What is different about the BrandVoice post is the author sees millennial entitlement as a positive trait, a characteristic of people who speak out or take action when situations don’t meet their standards. For the YWCA, people willing to speak out and take action are exactly what is needed to drive our mission.
It was an attitude of non-complacence that drove Maybelle Sloss to rally to open an Alabama branch of the YWCA in 1903 to improve the treatment and facilities that women were given at the time. Fifty-five years later, the same attitude drove Ethel Gibson to become the Executive Director of the YW at only 24-years-old, drove Suzanne Durham to lead the YW in 1979 at a young 31-years-old (and she’s still leading us 34 years later!) and is the spirit we hope to rouse within our millennial supporters. Through initiatives like our YWhisper young professional event, we want supporters to “Speak Up and Speak Out” about uncomfortable issues like domestic violence and family homelessness, because those we serve are entitled to better. Check out video of the YWhisper Wine-Down event below. Click here if you’re interested in working with or supporting the YWhisper committee.

The views expressed in this blog are the personal opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the YWCA Central Alabama. The intention of this blog is to provide information and perspectives on social justice issues; however, the YWCA makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link on this site. The YWCA will not be held liable for any errors or omissions in this information or for any losses, injuries or damages incurred from the display or use of this information. This policy is subject to change at any time.

Generation Y... W