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Spread DV Awareness, Pass the Purple Purse

Domestic violence affects 1 in 4 women in their lifetime — that’s more women than breast cancer, ovarian cancer and lung cancer combined. Still, more than one-third of us have never discussed the issue. October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and at the YWCA we have a range of services to help victims of domestic violence. We want to be a part of the national conversation that is happening around domestic violence, so this month we will be featuring the topic of domestic violence on our blog.
One partner who is helping to facilitate that conversation is The Allstate Foundation through their Purple Purse Campaign. As a financial services company’s foundation, they are stepping up to lead this conversation because research shows that the number one reason victims remain in relationships with their abusers is that they lack the financial knowledge and resources they need to break free.

As a part of their campaign, Allstate sent purple purses carrying information about domestic violence to YWCAs across the country, including the YWCA Central Alabama, to pass along and raise money. Each time one of these purses is passed and checked in at, The Allstate Foundation will donate $5 to our local YWCA. If we are able to pass our purses a total of 1,000 times, The Allstate Foundation will double the donation and reward us with a $10,000 grant.

We are passing one of our purses to you virtually through this blog. The code that you can register at is 01003. Now it’s your turn to pass the purse to your friends and family by forwarding this blog post to them so that they can also join the conversation and sign up to receive our blog. Also be on the lookout for purse codes at the end of all of our blog posts this month about domestic violence.
We also want you to join the YW and Allstate in the conversation about domestic violence by staying tuned into this blog and following us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. When we post, repost and share with your friends!
Another way that you can join the conversation is by talking about domestic violence with your family and friends. It is important that we all be aware of the issues surrounding domestic violence. Unfortunately, one of the hardest conversations can be with someone that you think is being abused. Having uncomfortable conversations can be difficult, so the Allstate Foundation’s program Click to Empower has some ideas about how to start that conversation.
These are just a few suggestions for talking about domestic violence awareness month. No matter which ways you choose (hopefully all of them!), we want you to help us change the stats by raising awareness in your circles of influence. 

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Spread DV Awareness