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YWCA Central Alabama and NCCJ to Host Race Against Racism

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  • YWCA Central Alabama and NCCJ to Host Race Against Racism

The YWCA Central Alabama and the National Conference for Community and Justice (NCCJ) of Alabama will be sponsors hosting the Race Against Racism 5K as a part of The Ruben Studdard Celebration Weekend on November 18, 2012. The race will begin at 9 a.m. downtown at Linn Park in the heart of Birmingham and near the historical Civil Rights District.
With the 50th Anniversary of many of the events in the Civil Rights Movement approaching, the Race Against Racism is intended to unite people of all races, demonstrate our community’s commitment to eliminating racism and celebrate our diversity.
“NCCJ has been working for racial harmony in Alabama since the 1930s,” said Will Ratliff, Co-President of the Board for NCCJ. This race is a unique opportunity to celebrate the great strides our state has made toward racial justice as well as recognize the relevance of the work we are still doing to bring equality to all of our community, regardless of race.”
Girls on the Run of Birmingham is one of the many groups participating in the race. Girls on the Run combines training for a 5K run with a curriculum that encourages third – fifth grade girls to celebrate their inner selves. The YWCA’s Family Resource Center in Woodlawn is one of the Girls on the Run’s training sites. The YWCA is proud to continue to work with Girls on the Run for this race.
“The YWCA is excited to be a part of such a fun event that highlights a difficult topic,” said Suzanne Durham, CEO of the YWCA Central Alabama. “The YWCA believes that acknowledging the racial disparities that still exist in our community is a first step toward eliminating them.
The YWCA is proud to work with our great partner NCCJ to bring people together to take steps toward eliminating racism.
Registration for the 5K is open to the public and is $40. To save an additional $5, use the promotional code: YWCA. To register for the race online, click here.
To find out more about YW programs, click here.

YWCA Central Alabama and NCCJ to Host Race Against Racism