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YWCA Holds Sixth Annual KIDS Korner Luncheon

The YWCA Central Alabama held its sixth annual KIDS (Kids in Distress) Korner Luncheon on Thursday, February 21, 2013 at the Cahaba Grand Conference Center. The luncheon benefited KIDS Korner, the YW’s child care program for children of homeless families. This year, more than 45 YWonderful women and men invited over 400 of their friends, co-workers and neighbors to the KIDS Korner Luncheon for a day of friend-raising and fundraising. This year’s luncheon raised over $86,000!
This luncheon would not have been possible without the leadership of our outstanding luncheon co-chairs Jenise Spurlock and Tracy Sproule as well as committee members Jan Bellenger, Nancy Biggio, Jeris Burns, April Deal, Rebecca Eubanks, Shereen Glover, Brenda Hackney, Susan Hackney, Latonia Harris, Stephanie Kennedy, Cynthia Lamar-Hart, Sheri Robinson, Jackie Tucker and Carrie Walthall. A special thank you to our presenting sponsor Bridgeworth Financial, our table hosts and all of our generous corporate sponsors. Thanks to Belk and their Visual Merchandising Team who once again transformed the ballroom into a bright, cheerful and childlike atmosphere. 
 “The children that come to our program are coming to us with many strikes against them. Their families are not able to provide them with the consistency that they need, the time that they need to help them grow emotionally, cognitively, physically; but now thanks to the support of our generous donors we are better equipped to serve the unique needs of this vulnerable group of children,” states Delyne Hicks, Senior Director of Child Care Services.
A highlight of this year’s luncheon was the video that took attendees on a tour through the halls of the YWCA Child Development Center so they could see the impact the YWCA child care staff are making in the lives of the children we serve. Sometimes it may be hard to imagine what goes on in KIDS Korner, but with the help of our small tour guides, luncheon guests got a “bird’s eye” view of the fabulous program, staff and facility.
“KIDS Korner gives our parents the confidence to go out and do what they need to do to get their families back on their feet free from child care worries,” states Rikki Ross, Child Care Center Director.
Since 1989, the YWCA Central Alabama has played a fundamental role in responding to the needs of homeless children. When a survey of shelters for homeless families revealed one of the biggest needs was child care during the day while parents were working or seeking employment, the YW responded by opening KIDS Korner, a nationally accredited child care facility with a curriculum uniquely designed for the children whom we serve.
The state of Alabama is ranked the worst state in resources for child homelessness. A bright spot in this dismal ranking is the YWCA’s KIDS Korner child care. Thanks to our wonderful partnership with JCCEO/Head Start, KIDS Korner provides a safe, loving environment for children of homeless families to learn, play and re-discover their self worth. KIDS Korner ensures they receive special care and individual attention during times of family crisis by providing:
•   a unique nationally accredited (NAEYC) curriculum designed for the transitional nature of homelessness
•   a safe place to learn and play
•   a snack and two hot meals a day
•   many special programs with groups like the Children’s Dance Foundation
•   staff members who are particularly sensitive to the children’s feelings of traumatic transition and who focus on building feelings of self worth

If you are interested in making a donation to KIDS Korner or to one of the YW’s programs, please click here.

YWCA Holds Sixth Annual KIDS Korner Luncheon