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YWCA Supporters Honored for Commitment to Philanthropy

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  • YWCA Supporters Honored for Commitment to Philanthropy

YWCA Central Alabama friends and supporters were well represented during the recent National Philanthropy Day Luncheon, hosted by the Alabama chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals. The event is designed to recognize exceptional volunteers and donors in Birmingham, their contributions and the impact they make in the community.
“We could not be more proud of this very deserving group of women and men who have been such wonderful friends to the YW and those we serve,” Yolanda Sullivan, YWCA CEO, said. “Their hearts are so big, and they have graciously shared their time, talents and treasures to help those in crisis. We are honored to have them as members of the YW family.”

YWCA Supporters Honored for Commitment to Philanthropy