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Host a Virtual Toy Drive

It’s time to Stuff the Sleigh for YWCA!  
All summerlong, we’re helping the big man out and gathering new, unwrapped toys, books, gift cards, stocking stuffers, and more for our annual Santa’s Workshop event!
Join in the Santa in the Summer fun and help us provide a magical holiday season for children of all ages living in local homeless shelters and transitional housing.
There are 3 ways to help:
1)     Host a virtual toy drive.
– Share our Amazon wish list with friends and family!
– When you purchase an item from our wish list, it is sent straight to the YW elves!
– Link to share wish list:
– Sample post: 
– We’re hosting a toy and gift drive to Stuff the Sleigh for YWCA! Santa in the Summer has begun! All summerlong, we’re helping the big man out and gathering new, unwrapped toys and gifts for children of all ages living in local homeless shelters and transitional housing. Visit #YWCACentralAL’s Santa’s Workshop Amazon wish list and send a toy or gift directly to the YW elves to help provide a magical holiday season for families who may not have thought it possible! Learn more at #YWCASanta #StuffTheSleighYWCA 
2)     Send a gift or two from our Amazon wish list or donate to Santa’s Workshop. Anything you can do will make a difference!
– Link to wish list:
– Link to donate (select the Santa’s Workshop designation):
3)     Host a traditional toy drive.
– Volunteer your office, place of business, or neighborhood to host a traditional toy and gift drive for Santa’s Workshop this holiday season.
– To get the tools you need, contact: Clay Greene, [email protected] 
Thanks for helping us Stuff the Sleigh this summer! Because of you, we’ll be able to provide a little holiday magic and excitement for families who may not have thought it possible.

Host a Virtual Toy Drive